• You are tired of looking at others posts on social media and wishing you were at the same place they are.
• You find yourself wishing you were in better shape but lack the drive or don’t know how to get started.
• You have no enthusiasm when you go to the gym and your workouts aren’t getting you the results you’d like.
• You find yourself on the couch after work with no energy to do anything other than lay around.
• You make excuses as to why you haven’t reached the goals that you’ve set for yourself.

If you are here because…
Here is the quick run down in 5 easy peasy points:

1. The products are PROVEN TO WORK.
This is possibly the MOST BEAUTIFUL thing about it. THOUSANDS of people have gone through the exact same program/nutrition plan/challenge group and have gotten incredible life-altering results. UNLIKE when you sign up for the gym OR a personal trainer, the results are UNKNOWN because you are NOT on a specific, scientific plan. Those fancy schmancy before/after pictures you see from the programs. THEY ARE REAL! I have met some of them in REAL LIFE. Some of them are my friends !! Real results from real people = the most positive reinforcement that it will work.
2. no more guesswork
This is in my experience THE hardest part about working out….figuring out WHAT to do, how many times to do it, what to eat, how MUCH of it to eat…you catch my drift! And then feeling SUPER AWKWARD when you have to find someone to answer those questions. This way THERE IS NO GUESSWORK. Simple, easy, concise and all with a FREE COACH to answer all of those questions! Sure, you could spend hours on YouTube and Google finding and putting together all of this nonsense BUT AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!
Like it or not if this struck your interest, you are in the market for CHANGE. And so is every else in the challenge group. THINK about how much more likely you are to do something IF all the people around you are doing it?! Would you go to happy hour alone? NO WAY! Would you stay an extra hour at the pool alone? NO WAY! Would you be the only one out of all your friends to get a burger when they were all eating their 21 Day Fix Approved Salad? NOOO WAY!! So do me a favor, sit and think about how much more likely you would be to finish something if you were in a group with like minded individuals facing and pulling through the same challenges you were?! I’ll tell you …99% more likely!
4. It’s cheaper than doing it all on your own.
Let’s talk about what you get….A celebrity trainer (in your home), FULL custom made meal plans, a full 60 day workout program specifically designed to meet your goals/likes, someone to answer your questions 24/7, daily accountability to keep you in line when you are wanting to throw in the towel, daily meal replacement superfood shakes and the SUPPORT you need. UM…In the fitness world all of these things would add up to THOUSANDS of dollars. NO.BRAINER.
5. Community & Opportunity
Once you complete one of these programs..I guarantee you, you will be walking around with the biggest smile on your face! LIKE A BIG CHEESER ! You will feel happier, lighter, better, faster and STRONGER (inside & out.) But the best part is…you then get to reap all the benefits! You will be PART of the Beachbody family, you get to share it with others when they ask you “HOW YOU LOOK SO FINE?!?” HAHA! And you will get to give the gift to someone else, how amazing would that feel?! You know Larry who sits two cubes down from you who is always complaining about not being able to run with his kids or always being sick ?! Gift it to him so HE can change his life.