RETIRE MY HUSBAND ---------- CHECK!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE I am even typing these words BUT as of OCTOBER 7th, 2016 we will OFFICIALLY BE a FULL-TIME FAMILY <3Andrew Engle has gotten an OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE!!! Last night was full of tears, hugs and SMILES! As most of you know who... read more →
To the girl in front of me in Target early this morning counting the amount in her cart and putting stuff back. I see you, I used to be you. And guess what? It gets better if you buckle down, cut things out at first and work really FREAKING HARD,... read more →
OH MY GOSHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! This company!!!! NEVER did I think I would see my face up on a billboard like this!!!! These are our faces (of the top 10 coaches) up on a BILLBOARD in the middle of Nashville!!!!!! They never cease to AMAZE me! They go out of their way... read more →
I said "Gracie, SMILE!" and SHE DID... SO BIG! Just after our team call! <3 When we lived in NYC, the dogs were in their crate from 5am till about 8pm. And every single day we would come home to LuLu sitting in her own pee and I would shower... read more →
As we finalize the plans for SUMMIT 2016 (OUR ANNUAL Beachbody Event where we celebrate all the accomplishments, workout, have ceremonies, parties, fun, you name it!) I can’t help but feel like WOAH - things have changed! And they have only changed because of HARD FREAKING WORK. The VERY FIRST... read more →