If there's one thing I've learned about having a birthday as an adult, it's that most people are super "over it" already and I think that's kind of sad!! The most important part is to have ideas for unique things to do for your next birthday, and it doesn't have to be complicated or expensive or involve traveling…

I've found that the most fun birthday parties as an adult have just been chill, low-key events at home, hanging out with all my best friends.
You want to know why?
Not only because these are the people I love the most and they are all I need on my birthday, although that's definitely part of it too, but also because…Let's be honest. Humans are so easily amused. So the silliest things and the simplest games are the things that people are going to laugh until they cry about, and always remember.
You know how when you give a two-year-old a Christmas gift, instead of playing with their toy, they just play with the wrapping paper and box, and think that's more fun than anything?
Well, I would compare that to how, if you try to have a fancy dinner party as an adult, you'd probably end up appreciating a simpler and more laid-back party just as much.
If you did it right, that is!
So today, when I talk about unique things to do for your next birthday, I'm talking about party games that don't cost much but will seriously work because, again, people are easily entertained!
I have a lot of ideas, so I'm splitting this article up in 2!!
So be sure to check out Part 2 for even more ideas for unique things to do for your next birthday!
1. The sticker game.
In this game, everyone gets a sheet of stickers, and all you have to do is put your stickers on other people at the party without them noticing. Sounds easy, but if you do get caught, then that person gets to put a sticker on you! And the first person to get rid of all their stickers wins!
Come on, tell me you can't imagine EXACTLY how that will play out with you and your friends and how funny it would be!!

2. Have you ever played that game made by Ellen, called "Heads Up"?
It's a really fun game, and I know it only costs a couple bucks on the App Store, so I think that's a great solution if you're running out of unique things to do for your next birthday. But if you don't want to spend anything at all, remember that all "Heads Up" really is is the other person putting an index card up to their forehead, and having to guess the answer.
So you guys could write down cards with celebrities' names on them, then a person could hold up the card to their forehead and have to guess which celebrity they are.
So then you don't have to spend even a dime!! Personally I think this is even more fun than charades or Pictionary, but I know people love those too!
3. Speaking of Pictionary, there is this really cool version of Pictionary that I want to share with you. It's called Telephone Pictionary.
Basically, you get a notebook, and you write a phrase in it. Then you hand it to your next friend around in the circle, who reads your phrase and then, on the next page, tries to draw the best depiction of it that they can.
Then, they hand it to the NEXT person in the circle, who looks at the drawing, then turns the page and writes down what they think the drawing is of. After that, they hand it to the next person, who sees what was written, and is going to have to draw it on the NEXT page…
See how it works now??
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