Chances are, the same way you've heard people talking about their spin class, HIIT circuit course, yoga…or any of the other hot exercises lately…you've also heard people talking about BARRE CLASS.
If you're not familiar, and the other person has tried to explain it to you, they might have said, "Like a ballerina bar!"
So you were left thinking that they were doing little warm-ups in a tutu for 45 minutes.
But that's actually not what a barre class is like at all It's actually so healthy and combines the benefits of different exercise types in ways you never would have imagined!
The next time someone mentions a barre class, keep in mind that it has most of the health benefits of both the HIIT training, and the yoga / meditation, I just mentioned!
Barre is unique and that's why so many people are flocking to it. It's one of the only exercise types that focuses so heavily on ISOMETRIC exercises, meaning, holding your body still and putting all the emphasis on contracting certain muscles.
Planks would be a good example of an isometric exercise; to an outsider it might look easy to get stay still, but it's the continued pressure of contraction on the muscles that is doing the "heavy lifting" for your health!!
And the same is true with barre; the observer might see you doing a plié where you stand at the bar, take your legs out wide and parallel to each other, point your toes out away from each other, and just stand…in that slightly crouched position. You might then alternate raising one heel, then the other heel, off the ground. The observer might say, "Pfft! That looks easy!" but they'd be dead wrong. I invite you to try out a barre class yourself and see how "easy" you think it is after that…😉
Anyway, back to the health benefits! These tough isometric exercises that, like planks, are about pressure on the muscles without much movement, are great for your posture, your butt, and your abs.
"Yay!" I'm guessing you'll say. But the benefits are far more than just skin-deep, too. The emphasis on elongation/posture, and a stabilized pelvis and core, not only make you look toned but also PROTECT your "back, hips, and knees," says personal trainer Leah Willoughby.
"The small isometric movements help to strengthen the tiny muscles around your spine…" which can totally prevent back pain and back problems in the future!
It almost sounds too good to be true, right? So I think the only reason why people aren't doing more barre and other types of isometric exercises is because they just plain aren't aware!!
And I wasn't aware either, until recently!
What actually brought my attention to barre is the upcoming Beachbody program, Barre Blend.
Even better, you actually DON'T need a ballet bar in order to do this program. It focuses on an amazing MIX of isometric exercise, cardiovascular exercise, and strength training.
Overall, you are going to sweat, and treat your body to some awesome, groundbreaking moves that promote peak muscle confusion for max results! Woohoo!
This is rolling out through the month of December…To learn more about the awesome Barre, Pilates, Yoga TRIPLE-THREAT combination, get in touch with me and I'll tell you MORE!!
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