Not sure how many of you have seen the Mother’s Day SNL skit…It was hilarious, but also surprisingly heartwarming and truthful!
The skit is about a new mom who is really STRESSED, because she thinks she’s not a good enough mom for her new baby.
So this woman talks to HER mom, asking, “How did you make it look so easy?? How were you the perfect mom…and I’m sitting here stressed out of my mind??”
But then the older woman shares an awesome piece of wisdom, saying she never was the perfect mom. And you’re NEVER going to be able to get everything perfect.
Sometimes, you will be stressed and overwhelmed!!
You might yell a little (but I hope not too much)!!
You might look frazzled and crazy all the time, and hardly ever “put together.”
You might not know exactly what to do when baby is sick or won’t stop crying.
You WILL make mistakes, because nobody’s perfect, and that’s okay!!

So this Mother’s Day SNL skit was super funny, with this daughter telling her mother how she thought her mother was so perfect…THEN, the audience sees flashbacks of when the mother and daughter were younger.
Flashback to the mother freaking out when the daughter ate crayons…The mother yelling about paint on the TV…The mother getting her mail, wearing a sweater but no pants…
I think we can all relate to those kind of scenes.
But it’s certainly not how you usually see mothers portrayed in the media. Usually they are just so perfectly capable, and organized, and ready 24/7. In real life, that’s just not possible!!
So I applaud the Mother’s Day SNL skit for being so honest.

And I hope that all the mothers who watched it learned the same thing this daughter with her new baby learned: that you just have to try your best and sometimes you are “winging it”!
You should never kick yourself for not being perfect…for never being “enough.”
Because when you look in your baby’s eyes…you’ll see that to him or her, you are way, way more than enough. They think the world of you even when you look like crap and are covered in puke! (Or in crap…lol.) Or if they get a tiny sunburn or something, and you end up feeling like the WORST mom in the world. You’ll learn from your mistakes, and they’ll still love you!!
I agree with the Mother’s Day SNL skit that there is SO MUCH that new parents learn. I have learned and grown so much this year with my Evie!!
(This Mother’s Day is technically my SECOND Mother’s Day as a mother, since Evie just turned one last week! The 6th.)

And now, with my ONE-YEAR-OLD, and this year of experience under my belt, I feel confident sharing this knowledge with all of you!!
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