WOAH what a day yesterday. That’s not a cloud, that’s smoke surrounding our house. AND I CERTAINLY learned a few things today:
#1- I am in no way prepared for an emergency like today!!!!!
#2- I am so glad Andrew Engle and I workout we straight up FULL ON SPRINTED about 2 miles from 600-foot elevation to get to our puppies when we heard and I didn’t die but I know before I worked out every day , there would be no way. Thanks, fitness.
#3- when it comes to our babies and family… Andrew will stop at NOTHING to save them.
#4- as long as I have everyone I love – nothing else matters. Things can always be replaced.
#5- life can change in a split second. Cherish every single moment and realize how lucky we are! Hug your family, tell them you love them, say a prayer that you are thankful for a roof over your head. Because nothing is guaranteed. We are SAFE and have our puppies!!!! Have bags packed and are ready! The base is shut down to all non-essential personnel and we have been put on watch. 🐶 .
Praying for the firefighters who are putting in WORK this fire season and literally in such a dangerous line of work. We won’t be getting much sleep tonight 🙏🏻🙏🏻 . This is a picture of the clouds of flames and smoke that engulfed the entrance to the base where our house is from today when we pulled up.

I am Sitting in the sun with classical music on answering some messages. I have a tendency to let worry and fear encompass me but ultimately we are not in charge. Whatever will be will be. 🙏✌🌙☀️
Have comfort in that and trust. Happy FRiyay!
My step dad lives in Santa Cruz and there is a fire there too. My mother passed away, and my dad is more of an outsider in my life because his priorities aren't straight. So, to me my step dad is all I have left. I already got on the train to link to the bus to go to santa cruz! When I called my step dad, he was watching the debate, not knowing what was happening around and behind him!
Family is everything to me. If I didnt call, I dont know where he would be right now. My dog and Marsh are now in a hotel, which was free due to the fire.
God works in mysterious ways. He wanted to help you! Achieve your fitness goals, because he knew that day would happen! He wanted you to feel happy about yourself and where you are with your health! I dunno there could be more, but that is how I see it. For me, I was tired from working 10am to 8pm going home to San Francisco. Something told me call marsh. I did, then I got an amber alert right after (I have an Santa Cruz number) BOOM he answers i tell him to hold on as hes laughing about how stupid Trump is. I look at the local news…THEN I FREAK OUT.
DAD (I call him dad). GET JACK GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. (The fire is far away, but I didn't want anything to happen to them last night). So they left. He didn't believe me. It was just frightening. Everyone on the train was looking at me.
But yeah I wasn't there like you. But in spur of the moment instances, you have to run!
Anyway I ramble. Have a great day. 😀