Funny story——–>>>>This house WAS NOT even on our view list and we were on a tight tight view schedule like 2 days I’m talking and I was super sad because they weren’t really what I had envisioned!
BUT I drove past it and just got a feeling and stopped and said I need to go in this house!!!! ITS THAT GUT FEELING when you just KNOW!!!!! I had DEJA VU like a million times when we were in the house!! NOTHING is set in stone OR FINAL yet, because now we enter the inspection, appraisal and all that jazz!
But seriously if you take one thing from my story, TAKE CHANCES, go after what you want, stay the course and never ever give up… NOTHING and I MEAN NOTHING is impossible!!!!!! We would have never ever been able to do this 2.5-years ago, and never in OUR wildest dreams did I believe at this time I would be posting this. It’s surreal. I am so incredibly thankful. FROM almost half the cost of THIS HOUSE in defaulted debt, working three jobs, so many bills my eyes were bleeding, depression, a body I wasn’t happy in, SO MANY THINGS…to this EVENT…its unreal. .
PHEW!!! I think we are done with announcements for a while!!! Even though now we have 3 extra bedrooms and a pool to fill!
And as always because it’s real and it takes work….
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