See that picture above. THAT is exactly what i felt like when I first found the coaching opportunity. I was like OK, sounds cool but also sounds like a scam. <—-HONESTY. I kind of looked at the opportunity with ONE EYEBALL because to be FRANK, I couldn’t afford to lose any money at all. I had to put my first challenge pack on an already packed credit card.
I really want to save people from the anxiety and uncertainty of researching Beachbody coaching. This is totally unbiased. I will not put a link at the end of this blog and I will not encourage you to join MY next challenge group BECAUSE I really and truly want everyone to succeed, whether it is with me or with someone else! I believe this opportunity can SAVE people. It saved me and it has help ME SAVE many people I have come in contact with ๐ Let me start by telling you exactly what a beachbody coach IS and IS’NT. ————–>
After reading that you are probably thinking OK, who isn’t a Beachbody Coach?! HAHA! Let me explain a little bit. A Coach can wear many hats and be considered many things but the NUMBER ONE thing I believe that rings true is a LEADER. A Beachbody coach leads people in the right direction with their health and fitness AS WELL AS goals and dreams. There are a few really common misconceptions that I hear all the time and I wanted to address them !
–You don’t have to be at your goal weight! —-> Beachbody coaching is more about taking the journey WITH others, along side of you. Think about it…..how relatable is perfection? I would not be motivated by somebody who proclaimed to have it all together and have the perfect/ideal body they always wanted. I want to know that someone else is struggling to put down that oreo right along side of me!
–You don’t have to be a business WIZ!- A lot of people are really scared at first!! Saying things like “how would i get people to join my team?” OR “How would I get in touch with people” OR ” I don’t even think I have a market!” ….The MOST beautiful thing about it……ALL THESE THINGS ARE ALREADY SPELLED OUT for you. We have tons of trainings, documents and one-on-one trainings for this very reason! Some of the TOP COACHES in the BIZ (we are talking millionaires people) have figured out the ways and they pass it down to you! ๐
–You don’t have to be a certified personal trainer or nutrition BUFF. –> So do you guys know some people named Shaun T? Tony Horton? Autumn Calabrese? Chalene Johnson? Well, incase you dont….these are the CELEBRITY TRAINERS that Beachbody has hired to whip challengers into shape! They are THE BEST OF THE BEST! nobody needs ANOTHER personal trainer !! Beachbody also has full teams of the top nutritionists making custom meal plans (tested and proven) for challengers to use! Challengers still have questions? No problem ! Type it into the FAQ and get an answer in seconds!!!
–It is NOT a pyramid scheme! –> let me ask you a question…DO YOU KNOW WHAT A PYRAMID SCHEME IS? …watch this video to find out WHAT A PYRAMID SCHEME IS and WHY Beachbody is not one of them! It’s only 6 minutes…I swear ๐ !! With a little bit of history on Beachbody as well! —————————>
Feel better?!?! ME TOO!
Now that we have addressed some of the most common misconceptions !! Let’s talk about the benefits!!!! The TRUE, HONEST, HARD COLD Benefits!
I bet you are thinking …SERIOUSLY?!?! That is amazing!
Yeah, that is what I am trying to tell you! HAHA! But most people cant see it at first because our BRAINS ARE TRAINED — go to school , spend thousands getting a degree …then work in that job for YEARS behind a desk until you GET TO retire…ALAS, there IS a better way!
All of the benefits above are real and true. In the beginning I made (on average) between 200-500 A WEEK in my first 6 months with Beachbody. Ask yourself …how much would an extra $800-$2000 dollars a month help you and your family? Are you saving for an extra special vacation? a new pair of shoes? OR are you struggling every month to pay that electric bill? OR do just not have any money left over when all is said and done? With that financial freedom comes all of the other benefits listed above ๐
The best part is there is NO OBLIGATION. So most of the time when you sign up for an opportunity like this, there is a time commitment. You could sign up as a coach and then cancel the very next day! If you sign up and you decide its not for you.
Now after JUST 13 months in the business I am making a SIX FIGURE SALARY because I took a TEENY TINY leap of faith and believed that it was possible for me ๐
No lets talk about the THREE different KINDS of coaches! YES, there are different kinds!!! Let me elaborate :
1. “Preferred Customer” OR DISCOUNT COACH. —> This is someone who LOVES the products and is going to keep ordering them but doesn’t want to be a coach! NO PROBLEM! You get everything at 25% off. If you are getting your monthly shipment of Shakeology (who isnt) Here is how it will break down.
-Shakeology (retail) = $129.95
-Shakeology (coach) – $97.46
(add in the required monthly fee of $15.95 for if you ever want to start coaching…..$114.00)
That is a savings of $16.54 per month which adds up to $202.08 !!! (that is a hair appointment!!! EEEE!!
-Because you are technically a “coach” you get to write off all of your Beachbody purchases on your taxes ๐ ๐ ๐ Extra refund?…YES PLEASE!!!
**Remember you also get 25% off EVERYTHING on the website.. including programs, apparel, etc…
2. “Hobby Coach” —> This is someone who doesn’t want to make it full time thing but loves the products and how they affect their life and wants to make a little extra FUN MONEY from telling people what they are doing to look and feel so awesome! Who doesn’t want an extra $200 bucks in their bank account every month ? —> I KNOW I DO!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!
3. The “Business Building” coach –> Someone who wants to take it to THE TOP and make it a SIX FIGURE income and beyond business! Helping people for a living!!!!! All for the small price of $39.95 !!!
My business builders, are you a charts person? Do you like when things are spelled out in pretty color coded ways for you? …ME TOO! haha! Here is a little chart on how to compare this opportunity to the traditional “franchise opportunity!
Are you saying to yourself ..well, it seems like an awesome opportunity and there is really nothing to lose BUT I am still feeling like I don’t know if I would be a “GOOD” coach …Well, let me tell you a little bit about being a good coach and what makes a great one…—–>WATCH THIS VIDEO where I will TELL YOU what makes a GREAT Coach ๐
Now that we just got SUPER SERIOUS all over the place…Let’s have a little fun because after all, that’s what having a job YOU LOVE is all about!! Think about how you would bring pieces of you into the business! In my story, I tell you guys that I used to be a musical theater actress, therefore I love to sing and dance! and I combined the two into this silly, fun video!!
What do you currently do that you could incorporate? Maybe you are super good at organizational stuff (golden) maybe you are really well versed in social media (another golden nugget) maybe you LOVE talking to people and cant wait to start talking about something you are actually passionate about? Whatever it is you currently do OR whatever your passions are….I can guarantee they mold with Beachbody in some way. THAT IS THE COOL THING…diversity, difference, being your own you is encouraged! ENJOY this little video!! —–>
Click on this application to be considered for a spot on the team ๐
Talk SOON! <3
Love your videos .
Read the info totally intrested… I sent u a Fb inbox…
Sent you an email. I'm definitely in!
Heather Benson Brown
great page, very helpful. I love your videos, your too cute.
In ready to be a,coach
Great video!! Was it hard to initially build your following/business?