I HAVE TO SHARE THIS!!!!! I don’t knwo if any of you know this BUT my nickname used to be “Milky-white McBride” (my maiden name) HAHAHA! I am notoriously NOT TAN! And I never really cared about it. I have NEVER paid for a spray tan and I stopped cooking my organs in a tanning bed back in high school when we found out how TERRIBLE it is for you!
I HAVE FOUND THE SOLUTION!!!!!!!! Ever use self tanners and its a DISASTER? You end up looking like an ‘umpa lumpa’ and your hands are usually a different color than the rest of your body!!! NOT ANYMORE! Don’t walk…RUN to the nearest Sephora and grab a bottle of bareMinerals “FAUX TAN BODY.” …..TRUST ME, YOU’LL thank me!!!!
I can’t say enough about this product. It makes me look like I just got back from a tropical vacation without the usual BAD side effects of at home self tanner. I.E—> smelling weird, blotchy skin, brown hands, looking like you stepped out of a Willy Wonka factory, clogged pores, and ruined towels!!!! <—–NO THANKYOU!
PLUS this little gem is ONLY $26.00!!!!! The application itself lasts for about 2 weeks and then the bottle lasts for MONTHS!!!! Talk about savings! I think that is even less than just ONE spray tan! (which you can’t control.)
The pictures below were taken ONE DAY APART!!!! No filter and posted STRAIGHT to Facebook. I applied the self tanner the night before and woke up the next morning glistening!!!!!
me give you my TOP 5 TIPS/TRICKS for application!!!!
1. Do it RIGHT when you get out of the shower—–> Make sure you are REALLY dry and be conscious to remove all jewelry so it doesn’t get stuck in those little crevices!
2. Have a wash cloth dedicated JUST to self tanner application! ——->You can get one at any Home store for about 99 CENTS!! Have that and a bar of soap at the ready! AS SOON AS YOU ARE DONE and your hands are still wet….SCRUB YOUR PALMS with said wash cloth! This will get all the EXTRA color off our hands!
3. Stay Naked —–> LOL! Give it about 20-30 minutes to dry before putting on your clothes! This will avoid ruining those favorite pair of underwear or having to bleach your running shorts 🙂 I use this time to whiten my teeth or tidy the bathroom ! (weird I know!!)
4. Go over problem areas ONLY ONCE—–> Try to avoid getting excess tanner on your knee caps, elbows, places that COLLECT THINGS!!!! Try to only lightly “dust” those areas to avoid having BLACK knee caps! HAHA!
5. Don’t skip places that you think won’t be seen! ——> Like Arm pits, butt cheeks, etc. I know it sounds funny but that is how you can really tell if someone used self tanner. There armpits are STARK WHITE and the rest of them isn’t. YOU KNOW ITS TRUE! Take the extra time to go over every area …leave no holes!
Like I said..This stuff is the best! Want to feel like you just stepped off a moroccan beach? Go spend $26.00 !!!! I promise you won’t be sorry!!!
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