OK, OK….Let’s get REAL here people…..HOW MANY TIMES have you said “OH, i’ll start tomorrow?” OR “Yeah, I’ll sign up for this gym membership special” (and then you go for the first 3 days before you realize you have to give up ‘How I met your mother reruns’ and then stop going.)
This is going to be a totally HONEST review of PiYo. I am going to bear it all and you will KNOW for sure if it is for you!!!
First of all let me start by saying ….”Hello, my name is Bonnie and I am a cardio JUNKIE!” HAHA! But seriously, I am one of those people who thinks that if I didn’t almost faint or puke and if I don’t look like I just got out of the pool, It wasn’t a real workout. THEREFORE, the thought of PiYo DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY EXCITE ME. I heard “Low impact” and immediately got scared!!! BUT it is sort of my duty to test these things out, being a coach! SO—-> I popped the DVD in and started with Day 1.
I am now a week into it! Here is what you need to know.———–>
1. It’s ‘sneaky HARD! If you were like me and thought “OH thats not difficult enough for me.” THINK AGAIN……..The first 3 or so days, you will say to yourself “Was that enough?” Trust me when I tell you…keep going because it is more than enough! Unlike the other workouts, Chalene Johnson REALLY takes the time to MAKE SURE you know all the correct postures/positions/body movements because this is all about alignment and flexibility . Something most other programs skip right over.
After Day three (when I got the hang of the moves and started doing them correctly) my body was SORE! I didn’t realize it but I WAS WORKING HARD! I think we equate “working hard” with high impact cardio movements and BEADS of SWEAT DRIPPING INTO OUR EYES…..not always the truth. While those other workouts are difficult, these exercises will ROCK YOUR WORLD without ever having to leave the floor!
2. You will work muscles you didn’t even know you had!——-SO, I mentioned before about being a cardio/workout junkie. Well, I have completed some of the hardest programs that beachbody has to offer AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN SORE IN SOME OF THESE PLACES! My obliques were burning after Day 4 and I didn’t even GET UP, ONCE. Which REALLY says alot about the moves that were created for this program….this is SCIENCE, people! You don’t need to add a bunch of weight OR pound your joints into the ground to get awesome results. <——–I cannot believe I said that!!!! BUT IT’S THE TRUTH
3. I never realized how much my body was CRAVING “Low impact, high intensity!” ——- In the time leading up to SUMMIT (Beachbody’s annual event) I was hitting it hard. I mean TWO high intensity workouts a day (usually 1 BodyBeast/1 Insanity) and I had this CONSTANT ACHE in my right knee and left arm (WEIRD, I know!) It never stopped me and didn’t hurt WHILE I was working out BUT I am a week into PiYo and THOSE ACHES ARE GONE!!!! GONE!!! I seriously needed to give those joints a rest and as a result I have more energy in my workouts and can actually DO MORE! THANKS, Chalene!!!!
4. It helps CLEAR your mind– Working out for me is a TRUE anxiety deterrent and if I was being completely transparent….THAT is the number one reason I workout. Yeah, all the other benefits are nice but in my book, my sanity comes FIRST! For 30 glorious minutes I get to shut my brain off and FOCUS. Well I don’t know what it is..the music, Chalene’s voice or the DEEP, FAST movements but this workout DOES THE TRICK (more so than others.) There isn’t time to think about all things wrong in my life BECAUSE MY LEG IS TRYING TO TOUCH MY FOREHEAD! HAHA! If you are looking for an escape, this is REALLY a great one!
5. When you return to your high impact workouts, YOU WILL BE 10x’s BETTER! ——-So, yesterday I had enough time to get TWO workouts in and I decided to do Body Beast “Leg Day” on top of my PiYo! HOLY ENERGY and STRENGTH! I have never been able to get through even half of that video without having to pause and SIT and guess what?! I didn’t have to stop ONCE!!!! NOT ONCE! I am attributing that to PiYo for strengthening and lengthening my joints and muscles! You never realize how important the fundamentals are to your body!
So, your asking….should you buy PiYo? YES YES YES and YES!!! This program is going to be a game changer for my fitness results as well as my spiritual health! I would recommend to ANYONE looking to whip their body into some serious shape and back into TIP TOP condition! Click the link below to ORDER and be included in my JULY 14th CHALL
Very nice and interesting blog, thanks for this post..it's been great reading this.
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