How to Get Your Baby to Fall Asleep!! (Does a Sleep Sack Work?)

Maybe you’re reading this blog post because…it’s 3 AM. And your beautiful baby will just not.stop.crying. no matter what you try!! Singing, swaddling, sleep sack?? Did you stumble upon me while frantically Googling “how to get baby to sleep”? Well, for your sake, I hope that’s NOT the case. But if it is, welcome to my website!! Thanks for tuning in. 😉 Anyway, now that you’re here, I wanna help you get this figured out. And of course, not very long ago at all, I had to figure it out for MYSELF!! Finding the right baby products basically = the “Holy Grail” of motherhood! In my recent post My Top 10 Baby Must Haves for First Time Moms!, I review the BEST OF every item on the baby checklist: the best car seat…the best baby monitor…the best playpen… But I noticed that many products I used and LOVED in that article were SLEEP related: swaddlers/loungers/crib. So today I want to go a little bit deeper into how to help your baby “sleep through the night” (I pretty much roll my eyes whenever a company claims that!! A hungry and/or colicky baby is NOT going to sleep through the night. Maybe if … Continue reading How to Get Your Baby to Fall Asleep!! (Does a Sleep Sack Work?)